i think that may be the best word to describe my tuesday. today was a sick day, on a day when my to-do list consisted of 21 important things. yet, even though i have next to no energy, every forty five minutes or so my body will allow a solid five minutes of productivity. and i am proud to say that i completed a whole 7 things from that list. thats one third, i'll take it. today has been full of netflix ADD, emailing, tea, and toast. toast that, in fact, was only made possible by my sweet boyfriend who surprised me at my front door with his toaster in one hand and a loaf of bread in the other. the day has also been filled with american pickers, my newest guilty pleasure. is there any chance of finding rusty gold in the backroads of riverside? doubtful, but one can dream. i somehow feel as though its mid november already, my mind is getting a little ahead of itself, but you see, im just so excited. this semester promises wonderful things, and i cant wait to journey through these next three months.
here are some photos that make me smile, some old, some new.
a wonderful roommate who lets me call her silly nicknames
a family that i miss ever so dearly
& a friend who makes me laugh like nobody else