its been more than a week since ive had time to devote to this little guy. not to say that i havent had any time at all, as a matter of fact i've had nothing BUT time. my moments have been filled with wonderful things, such as investing in new friendships, having spontaneous garage sale hunts, playing with some pretty cool kiddos, posing for a little photo shoot, and pouring into my summer project.
since being here in bend, ive heard a term that describes perfectly where i am at in life
sweet spot: being at a place in life where you are perfectly content, in who you are, what youre doing, where you're going, and what you have. all of these through and by the grace of God.
ladies and gentlemen, i am in my sweet spot.
i dont know of a time in my life where i have been so completely and wonderfully in awe of who my God is and the things He is doing in my life. He has given me life and love in abundant measures.
The family I am staying with has been such an encouragement in so many unique ways. Their family dynamics are an amazing example of what a family growing together and seeking the Lord should look like. Almost every night they share how they showed love that day and what they loved most about life. It is something I've now begun to share daily with someone whom I care about deeply, and I hope to continue the tradition.
im really thankful for my dear friend whitney. she is part of my mentorship small group, shares a shift with me at the kilns, and has such sweet and genuine spirit. we have the opportunity to house/babysit this week. last night we watercolored until 1am. it was lovely and incredibly inspirational.
speaking of inspiration. i stumble upon some wonderful things every now and again. like this.

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