Wednesday, November 25, 2009


  • pikes place
  • fresh flowers and produce
  • doughnuts the size of my face
  • the very first starbucks
  • beechers
  • practically getting hired at the flying fish place =]
  • walking to pier 54
  • IVARS fish bar
  • sarah getting her finger bit by a ravenous mobster seagull
  • spilling vinegar and spicy sauce all over myself and becoming human fish 'n chips
  • antique shopping
  • finding the perfect vintage dress for yule, fits like a glove, pure magic
  • some crazy man screaming at lesley in the street
  • 'all ways' crosswalks
  • egg nog lattes from uptown espresso
  • laughing with my teammates, but then sharing about what we've learned
  • an awesomely uplifting thanksgiving service at mars hill west seattle
  • the hotel spa

and all this on two and a half hours of sleep.
today has been splendid, cant wait to pour my heart out about everything ive learned so far.

one word, incredible

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

and then i went to seattle.

this is a long post, i know. but i am seriously over flowing with joy from the things God is doing in my life. so get yourself an eggnog latte, grab a blanket, get comfortable, and prepare to rejoice with me.

so, i've been bitten by the missions bug, or so it would seem. i spent a month in uganda this summer. and now being back at CBU one of our first chapel services was all about ISP/USP trips, which i have never participated in. this was my year, but when or where i did not know. i put USP as one of my choices on my application, got called in, had my meeting, and magically was on the team. YIPPEE. well, the next step was to raise two thousands bucks, no problem right. i mean who doesn't have friends and family who would love to support them. well, i do indeed, however, they all just showered me with love for my summer trip. i decided to step out in faith, if it was God's will for me to go, come time, i would be on that plane. four incredibly fun weekly team meetings later, it is finally time to pack, and tomorrow around 3pm i will be boarding a plane to seattle.

oh but there's so much more...

tuesday i received an email from my team leader stating that those of us who didnt have at least a thousand dollars wouldnt be able to board the plane two days later. we were all aware of the stipulation, however what we werent expecting was the next line, which mentioned only 2 out of 6 team members currently had the funds to go, me not being one of them. well shoot. boy did that put a damper in my day. coming up with a thousand dollars in a day and a half is no easy task when you have no job, a non existent savings account, and a lack of wealthy and eager family members. i was stuck, nowhere to go. there was nothing within my power to make things different. this was up to God. my prayer had remained the same since i submitted my application, "Lord, if it's your will for me to be on that plane, I know that by your miraculous provision, I will be on it" I am one who knows full well God's ability to provide financially, not only have i seen it in my family, but i personally, a twenty year old, have seen in my own life how God can provide. There was a song that kept looping through my head "He will make a way, when there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see, He will make a way for me". My mom came to get dinner with me last night, we talked about the email and discussed how if God was shutting the door, that He would also give me peace about the situation. Well I waited for it, and prayed for it, but i did not have any peace about not being a part of this trip. At around 2pm today I met with my leader to break the news so to speak. I could do nothing else, so unless I got a check for a thousand dollars in the mail thursday morning, it looked like i would spending thanksgiving with my family. like a good leader he encouraged me to pray and 'do all i could'. i literally walked up to my apartment when i got the call from my leader urging me to come back to his office. i turned around and prayed as i walked, i had no idea what to expect, reprimanding perhaps? instead i find coffee, lots and lots of coffee. through the confusion i hear a command, "youre going to sell this" to which i reply, "okay, yes...what is it?"

well it just happens to be some fair trade coffee from rwanda, liz.

wait fair trade you ask, why yes, one of the concepts our IJM campus chapter is trying to raise awareness about on campus. and yes wednesdays are our meeting days, just perfect.
i have mentioned before how tremendously blessed i've been to be a part of IJM this semester. the people i have had the pleasure to work side by side with are simply incredible. i shared with them my opportunity to sell this coffee for fundraising. when i asked if maybe anyone would be interested in purchasing a pound, i watched the entire room of about twenty people nod their heads yes in response. i was floored, well not literally, i was sitting in a swivel chair, but i was speechless. 24 pounds of coffee later, i have enough funding to get me on that plane tomorrow at 12pm. im cutting it close, but i'll be there. all of us on the team have in some way worked out funds in order to go serve these next ten days.

how anyone can doubt God, is beyond my understanding. His timing is intentional and His ways are so intricate. He didnt just provide for me to be on the trip, He allowed me to exercise my trust in Him, something we've been working on. Not only did he MIRACULOUSLY provide, but He personalized the provision. God could have easily put it on someone's heart to write me a check for a large sum of money like i had prayed for, but He didnt. God one up-ed me, and im totally fine with that. this coffee just happened to have been very recently donated to ISP, and they just happened to let me sell it. it just happened to be coffee, something quite practical and most people would buy anyway. but not just that, it just happened to be fair trade, something i am passionate about and involved with, and it just so happened to be given to me on the day i had my IJM meeting.

i just so happen to serve a God who is my provider. He is faithful, unchanging, and capable of more than i can imagine.

please pray for my team and i these next ten days as we immerse ourself in the urban culture in seattle and work with mars hill church, building relationships throughout the community.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

a letter to a lovely fall day

dear thursday,

you have been full of lovely and wonderful things. your cool weather and gorgeous clouds set the mood for the much needed fall weather, it is november after all. and surprise number one of the day, a bit of rain. i was quite delighted to walk out of pick up stix, after a joyous dinner with my USP team, and stop for a moment to catch a few drops of rain. my lunch date with sam, while not a surprise, was equally as delicious. dont get me wrong, i meant that in regards to the company and absolutely not the caf food. my mid day choir rehearsal was rejuvenating as usual, allowing for a time of worship in the middle of a busy day. as i was about to say goodnight to you thursday, was when the most unexpected thing of all occurred, a knock at the door. with a note reading "liz, go to the clock tower". i ladies and gentlemen, am going to yule. thank you thursday for not being ordinary.

yours truly,
elizabeth anne hild

i leave for cattle call tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

its late and of course, im being super productive.

and by productive i mean having roommate time on the couch, singing along to annie and eating snowflake shaped ritz crackers with peanut butter for brookie and almond butter for me. this relaxing time tonight has been much needed, since i've been all systems GO since thursday. i need an extra day this week just to catch up on sleep, God, if youre reading this, id really appreciate it, just this once.

i found this ritz cracker that was baked sorta folded in half. it made my night, i had a photoshoot with the little guy.

i really want to start doing some sort of consistent physical activity. whether it be running, some sort of ridiculous work-out video, or rollerblading. just something. i need to find me a physical activity accountability teammate of sorts, or p.a.a.t. paat. i need to find a paat.

justice seeker and romantic poet

just two of my many recent attributes

being involved in IJM has proved to be such a blessing. i love being involved in this cause and also thrive on planning, preparing, organizing, decorating, etc. we had the privilege of hosting a quite successful event on campus this past sunday night, showing the newest film put out by IJM, At the End of Slavery. Then tonight, we had an event on campus called 'World of Hurt' where we set up a neat little booth, if i do say so myself. i am so incredibly blown away by the team we have, everyone has such a willingness to lend a hand where needed and we work together quite well. we were able to share with students information about IJM, but mores specifically we were asked to educate about local human trafficking. here are some of the points i shared with students tonight

  • Orange County is one of the top places human trafficking is found in the US
  • Human trafficking is legally defined as: anyone who is forced, frauded, or coerced into a situation (i.e. employment or giving services)
  • Human trafficking is most commonly found in
-Massage Parlors
-Fields (agricultural industry, farming, etc)
-Homes (private servants)
please, i urge you to keep this in your prayers. become aware of your surrounding. choose to not be ignorant to the world around you, instead, educate yourself.

please pray.

as far as the 'romantic poety' goes, its just practice i suppose. for that lucky suitor in my future.
for the record, i didnt plan on rhyming goes and suppose. thats what you call natural talent

here is a little example


youre lovely

and lovey

and love

you are love



i love that you just started your message with such proclamations of love

thanks dear

and i return said feelings

towards you

i mean from you

towards me

which in turn i turn back to you




towards another, from each other

into one that cannot be


i adore thee

and also do i adorn thee

with my love

and tokens of such

that mean so much



of course

and a horse

i feel no remorse

so ill use the force

i am currently obsessed with listening to mars hill podcasts

the end.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is what my college education requires of me.

There’s a Monster in My Tummy!

(BOOM!) Ashley slammed the door and stormed into the kitchen. (THUD, THUD, THUD, THUD) (GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE) (AHHHHHHH) Ashley screamed, “Oh no, not yet!” she thought. (CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK) High heels quickly clicked down the hallway. She knew this sound all too well. Her mom slowly opened the door to the kitchen (CREEEEAAAAKKK) “What are you up to young lady?” asked mom. (GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE) “Just doin’ my homework Mom!” answered Ashley a little too quickly. “Mhmmm, sure, just remember, no chips before dinner!” (CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK). (WHEEEWWW) Finally, the coast was clear. She flung open the cupboard (SQUEAK) and grabbed a bag of chips, trying her best not to make too much noise. (CRUSCHK) Oh the lovely salty smell was almost too much to handle. Patience was key. She reached her hand in the bag, making sure to only touch that one chip. (GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE) “Hold your horses, im trying” she assured. She placed the chip on her tongue and (CRUNCH) slowly, carefully, as not to not make too much noise (CRUNCH). (MMMMMMM) “There, happy now?” Ashley asked, a bit impatiently. (GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE) “Oh no!” as she looked down at the already opened bag of chips, it was near impossible to stop it. Before she knew it she was shoveling chip after chip in to her mouth, (CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH) (CREEEEEEAAAAAAKK) The door to the kitchen swung open “Ashley!!!!” screamed mom. (CRUNCH CRUNCH) “Sorry mom, the monster in my tummy was hungry” said Ashley timidly.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

date night.

what ashley and liz do on 'blogging date nights'
  1. order kids meals or specifically 'callin' in kids meals'
  2. find dates to yule. NOT.
  3. watch worlds strictest parents
  4. write stories about each other, complete with sound effects, thank you CBU education
  5. search eric's apartment for change
  6. walk to the doughnut shop with eric
  7. get way more doughnuts than we paid for
  8. get scared by the abandoned house
  9. sing pokemon
  10. hang out in an apartment with the door wide open
  11. have CANDY WARS, and leave candy all over the floor to prove it
  12. finally learn how to skateboard, PUMP IT, thank you ashley
  13. record a song on ben's computer, 'ashley and liz are incredible musicians, live it, love ittt'
  14. laugh way too much, like WAY too muchh
  15. oh and most importantly, wait to blog until our date is over
this weekend has been great, like so great and fun and great.

i just found out that next weekend i get to go to cattle call.
this is becoming a tradition!

Friday, November 6, 2009

so great right now.

Before the throne of God above
I have a strong, a perfect plea:
A great High Priest, whose name is Love,
Who ever lives and pleads for me.

My name is graven on his hands,
My name is written on his heart;
I know that while in heaven he stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart
No tongue can bid me thence depart.

When Satan tempts me to despair,
And tells me of the guilt within,
Upward I look, and see him there
Who made an end of all my sin.

Because a sinless Savior died,
My sinful soul is counted free;
For God, the Just, is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me
To look on Him and pardon me

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the One,
Risen Son of God!

Behold him there, the risen Lamb
My perfect, spotless righteousness,
The great unchangeable I am,
The King of glory and of grace!

One in himself, I cannot die
My soul is purchased by his blood
My life is hid with Christ on high,
With Christ, my Savior and my God
With Christ, my Savior and my God

man, oh man.
these words are so incredibly real to me at this very moment, and this has nothing to do with the face that im typing while partially asleep, a new talent i've acquired.

a good friend of mine shared a little piece of wisdom with me today.
when God brings you through something momentous, you need to make an alter, as a constant reminder of what you have been through, what you no longer are, and the potential you have for new things in Christ.
and as a result, i currently have a piece of paper with the words 'and, one point liz.." tacked to the wall above my desk.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

stand in awe of god.

that is what the first half of ecclesiastes chapter 5 is titled in my bible. which, strangely enough happens to be a men's devotional bible. this title caught my eye this morning as i was thumbing through trying to get the scripture my devotion was based on, so i paused and read, and as i did i felt as though i had been smacked in the face.
no, but really.
you know how when people get into hysterics and they have to get smacked in the face to snap out of it and calm down. i feel that recently i have been allowing myself to remain in a state of some sort of silent, inward, hysterics. recently ive allowed myself to worry about the future and feel uneasy about all the changes going on around me. this far from gentle reminder was just what i needed.

verses 4&5 stuck out to me the most

4 When you make a promise to God, don’t delay in following through, for God takes no pleasure in fools. Keep all the promises you make to him. 5 It is better to say nothing than to make a promise and not keep it.

whether or not i consciously realized it, i have been 'delaying' in my follow-through. yikes.
when i tell God, 'i surrender my will' or 'my trust is in you' i am relinquishing my control in situations. my actions however have not been recently as consistent as they could be. well thats about to change, time to start being intentional.

7 Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore stand in awe of God.

i want this bag, my roommate just got one, it is supporting an incredible cause that is quite near and dear to my heart.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

well hello again

its been quite some time now since i've ventured onto this little thing.
but i, elizabeth anne hild, vow to be a committed blogger. wheeewww.

since march quite a few things have changed, and changed again, so we'll skip that.

right now, on november 3rd 2009, i am a twenty year old, who has learned a lot more than most people my age, but still has quite a bit to learn. i find such beauty in the fact that we never stop learning, and growing, and changing, keeps life exciting. but there are a few things that will never change

1. jesus christ is my lord and savior.
2. i literally never stop singing, sometimes i just do it in my head
3. i laugh, probably more than most people i know

currently God is bringing me through a 'season of change' which, understandably, has such a negative connotation. while some things are difficult and some unexpected, all i can do is cling the things ive been promised.

recently, i have found such encouragement in galatians

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Galatians 6:9

right now my roomate's chinese music is playing louder than the tv show im watching, typical. she's adorable.