Wednesday, November 18, 2009

and then i went to seattle.

this is a long post, i know. but i am seriously over flowing with joy from the things God is doing in my life. so get yourself an eggnog latte, grab a blanket, get comfortable, and prepare to rejoice with me.

so, i've been bitten by the missions bug, or so it would seem. i spent a month in uganda this summer. and now being back at CBU one of our first chapel services was all about ISP/USP trips, which i have never participated in. this was my year, but when or where i did not know. i put USP as one of my choices on my application, got called in, had my meeting, and magically was on the team. YIPPEE. well, the next step was to raise two thousands bucks, no problem right. i mean who doesn't have friends and family who would love to support them. well, i do indeed, however, they all just showered me with love for my summer trip. i decided to step out in faith, if it was God's will for me to go, come time, i would be on that plane. four incredibly fun weekly team meetings later, it is finally time to pack, and tomorrow around 3pm i will be boarding a plane to seattle.

oh but there's so much more...

tuesday i received an email from my team leader stating that those of us who didnt have at least a thousand dollars wouldnt be able to board the plane two days later. we were all aware of the stipulation, however what we werent expecting was the next line, which mentioned only 2 out of 6 team members currently had the funds to go, me not being one of them. well shoot. boy did that put a damper in my day. coming up with a thousand dollars in a day and a half is no easy task when you have no job, a non existent savings account, and a lack of wealthy and eager family members. i was stuck, nowhere to go. there was nothing within my power to make things different. this was up to God. my prayer had remained the same since i submitted my application, "Lord, if it's your will for me to be on that plane, I know that by your miraculous provision, I will be on it" I am one who knows full well God's ability to provide financially, not only have i seen it in my family, but i personally, a twenty year old, have seen in my own life how God can provide. There was a song that kept looping through my head "He will make a way, when there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see, He will make a way for me". My mom came to get dinner with me last night, we talked about the email and discussed how if God was shutting the door, that He would also give me peace about the situation. Well I waited for it, and prayed for it, but i did not have any peace about not being a part of this trip. At around 2pm today I met with my leader to break the news so to speak. I could do nothing else, so unless I got a check for a thousand dollars in the mail thursday morning, it looked like i would spending thanksgiving with my family. like a good leader he encouraged me to pray and 'do all i could'. i literally walked up to my apartment when i got the call from my leader urging me to come back to his office. i turned around and prayed as i walked, i had no idea what to expect, reprimanding perhaps? instead i find coffee, lots and lots of coffee. through the confusion i hear a command, "youre going to sell this" to which i reply, "okay, yes...what is it?"

well it just happens to be some fair trade coffee from rwanda, liz.

wait fair trade you ask, why yes, one of the concepts our IJM campus chapter is trying to raise awareness about on campus. and yes wednesdays are our meeting days, just perfect.
i have mentioned before how tremendously blessed i've been to be a part of IJM this semester. the people i have had the pleasure to work side by side with are simply incredible. i shared with them my opportunity to sell this coffee for fundraising. when i asked if maybe anyone would be interested in purchasing a pound, i watched the entire room of about twenty people nod their heads yes in response. i was floored, well not literally, i was sitting in a swivel chair, but i was speechless. 24 pounds of coffee later, i have enough funding to get me on that plane tomorrow at 12pm. im cutting it close, but i'll be there. all of us on the team have in some way worked out funds in order to go serve these next ten days.

how anyone can doubt God, is beyond my understanding. His timing is intentional and His ways are so intricate. He didnt just provide for me to be on the trip, He allowed me to exercise my trust in Him, something we've been working on. Not only did he MIRACULOUSLY provide, but He personalized the provision. God could have easily put it on someone's heart to write me a check for a large sum of money like i had prayed for, but He didnt. God one up-ed me, and im totally fine with that. this coffee just happened to have been very recently donated to ISP, and they just happened to let me sell it. it just happened to be coffee, something quite practical and most people would buy anyway. but not just that, it just happened to be fair trade, something i am passionate about and involved with, and it just so happened to be given to me on the day i had my IJM meeting.

i just so happen to serve a God who is my provider. He is faithful, unchanging, and capable of more than i can imagine.

please pray for my team and i these next ten days as we immerse ourself in the urban culture in seattle and work with mars hill church, building relationships throughout the community.


Anonymous said...

O my goodness Liz, this gave me kills like 100 times, and make me cry a little bit too! This is amazing! You're gonna do amazing things there! I love you girl, and I will keep you and your team in prayers! :)

Anonymous said...

this is Ashley by the way...I dont really get blogs and it makes me put my stupid old AIM that I don't even like lol

jonathansweet said...

i know it's not thanksgiving anymore, but this was WRITTEN around that time. I was just looking through your blog and this spoke to me SO much. You have such an amazing heart and in the mindset of thanksgiving, I am thankful we're finally friends. SO floored. It took us long enough! ;)