Tuesday, February 16, 2010

my dearest tuesday

you have been simply deeeelightful.

i'll be honest, i started off the day with frustrations that were carried over from the past week or so, and then this morning i had a unexpected, ugly, broken, little straw that just broke this poor little camel's back.

side note. sometimes i wish our society wasnt so into the whole 'instant gratification thing' you know, maybe if you didnt have the courage to say what was in a text in person instead, you shouldnt have said it at all. anyway, i digress.

i got to see em, the lovely pres to my vp this morning, which is always a spirit lifter. we successfully rolled 82 boxed lunches and water bottles all the way to the buses at the music building, in our sunday goin to meetin clothes and everything.

we had two high school concerts today, which are always a fun experience. while singing around the people at our second concert i noticed three girls snickering in the audience and then came the pointing, greeat. totally pointing at me, awkward. i hear the word 'pretty' then one girl shouts 'we think youre pretty' oh lordie. THEN after our song, one of the girls raises their hand and says to our director, 'those two girls sing really pretty' and then the pointing again, this time at me and the lovely jaquie, at least im not alone. ladies and gentlemen, hence the commencement of the jacquie and liz fan club.

and then began my evening with the lovely, the fantastic, the infamous, Miss Trout
boy did we share some adventures today
wearing shorts
lemonade and chips and salsa compliments of sarah
sharing my heart and screaming
-why wont they get out of my life!-
playing catch on the front lawn, with gloves and a REAL baseball
mini USP reunion kicking around a soccer ball
dinner in the caf caf
including another mini usp reunion
singing some oldies song over and over
making peanut butter popcorn
watching ten minutes of when harry met sally
then switching it to the sandlot
realizing i couldnt do my homework, darn
my present from sarah!!!!

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